WILDLIFE in bakers wood

Bakers Wood is a special place, being striking distance from London whilst also being a secluded environment suitable for a wide range of wildlife. The Wood is bounded by fields on most sides and to the North the Water Meadows of the Misbourne Valley, which provides a wildlife corridor into many of the back gardens on The Estate.

Diversity of wildlife is also encouraged by the ancient Bluebell Woodland in the heart of The Estate, from where Bakers Wood draws its name. A number of residents hold a keen interest in the wildlife that visits, but one resident family has recorded the comings and goings in their garden by taking photos over 30 years living in The Wood.

Most recently, they have been trapping (and releasing) Moth’s and recording the species. It it is understood that several species identified are classified as rare, including several species of Hawkmoth.

Two documents have kindly been provided by Jacky & Cliff Buckton and can be downloaded from the below; ‘Wildlife in the Wood’ and ‘Moth Report’. This has been recently revised (September 2023) with new sightings. All photographs are courtesy of them too.

Thank you for allowing us to share them.