Wildlife in the Wood
Cliff Buckton has kindly provided an updated revision to his wonderful study of the local wildlife inhabiting his garden. See ‘Wildlife in the Wood’ section.
22nd December 2021
75th Anniversary VE Day Party Photos
A successful socially distanced party was held to mark 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Photo’s courtesy of Suzy Flood in the Downloads area.
12th May 2020
75th Anniversary VE Day Party
The wood is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day tomorrow (8th May 2020) from 4pm at the top of the road.
In addition, Suzy Flood our neighbour and professional photographer on Redhill is available to take pictures on your doorsteps between 10am and midday tomorrow marking this very special occasion.
Please feel free to decorate your tables, chairs, dress up in 1940 style fashion. Bring a picnic and some drinks.
Social distancing will be observed.
7th May 2020
Bakers Wood NHS Cake Sale
Message from Priyanka Benning:
Dear Bakers Wood Residents,
I want to thank you all immensely for your support and generosity when raising money for the NHS through the bake sale. It is with your generosity and kindness that we, as a community, have managed to raise an amazing sum of £453 for such a worthy cause. Your donations will directly help the NHS and those frontline workers who are showing selfless and incredible courage during these unprecedented times. I cannot thank you all enough, and hope to see you all again very soon!
Also I would appreciate it if you could please send any pictures or videos taken of the bake sale to either myself or Christine.
Thank you,
7th May 2020
Check your Sheds & Outbuildings
Please ensure your sheds and outbuildings are locked and secure.
31st March 2020
Neighbourhood Watch
Over the weekend 7th/8th December and the following nights 9th/10th there have been a spate of aggravated burglaries in Higher Denham and Iver.
The doors of victims are knocked in the evening/night time, sometimes by a woman. When the door is opened between three and five men push their way in and threaten and physically attack the home owner. Three of the victims have required hospital treatment. This is a horrible crime.
13th December 2019
More Bogus Callers
Please note that there are at least two people working in tandem calling local numbers claiming to be BT Internet Security and that they have detected fraudulent activity. Please hang up immediately and DO NOT provide any email details NOR follow their instructions. They are scammers.
13th November 2019
Bogus Caller
Neighbourhood Watch has been warned that some fraudsters are operating in Thames Valley, posing as officials from the Home Office. They have documents with the letterhead Department of Home Affairs and claim to be confirming that everyone has a valid ID for the upcoming Census. They are really attempting to rob homes. Please be advised that we are told that there is no initiative of this kind from the Government. Please distribute this message to your members. These fraudsters are moving around the area and they look presentable.
22nd September 2019
Road Works
The chosen road repair contractor, Spadeoaks, are resurfacing the road in damaged areas which will take 3 days and will be done 25-27th September.
16th September 2019
Check your Sheds & Outbuildings
Please ensure your sheds and outbuildings are locked and secure. We have had a report of a break in to an outbuilding last week.
31st July 2019
Greenbelt Protection
The deadline for objecting to the proposals for the removal of the Greenbelt status is this coming Friday, 19th July.
To make the process simpler, see this link to the advice to object from Denham Parish Council: Click here to OBJECT TO GREENBELT REMOVAL
15th July 2019
A40 & Redhill Road
We would like all residents to write to our local councillor Guy Hollis and log on the Buckinghamshire County Council website using www.fixmystreet.buckscc.gov.uk and report the following
a) The fence between Redhill and the A40 needs to be repaired to avoid a child or an object entering onto the A40 and causing an accident.
b) The bushes on the A40 approaching the exit need to be cut back substantially as visibility is impaired when trying to cross the A40.
c) A speed camera to be installed prior to exit on the A40 to slow down traffic and enable vehicles to cross the A40 safely.
Below are a few photos which you can use to submit. Right click on your mouse to save each.
24th June 2019
Chiltern & south Bucks District Council have released their Local Plan 2036. This plan proposes to remove the settlements of Denham Village, Tatling End and Higher Denham from the Green Belt. Bakers Wood has been ignored in this plan, so it is important that we have input. The six week consultation period began on 7th June and ends on 19th July 2019. Full details of the plan can be found by simply clicking here.
There is full documentation and a link to the online consultation website. There are also drop in sessions from Wednesday 19th June from 9am-9pm at the council offices at Tatling End (Capswood).
If you do reposnd , please forward any response to the parish council so that they can nclude comments in their formal response - enquiries@denhambucks-pc.gov.uk
24th June 2019
Bakers Wood Newsletter
Now available on the download page or simply click - here.
24th June 2019
Gas Works
Cadent/Triio are returning to the Woods to continue to upgrade the gas pipes. They are planning to do this from Buckleigh down to Rosemount and it also involves new connections to your home if required. They will take pictures (before and after) where they dig up to ensure it is put back properly.
11th May 2019
Road Testing
Engineer Spade Oaks will commence work in Bakers Wood on Thursday 24th January 2019 which will comprise bore holes in the road to assess the road depth. This will enable us to assess the requirements to build up the road to provide a longer lasting surface and to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of repair. Please do not leave any cars or wheelie bins parked on the road. Temporary barriers will be placed around the excavations.
21st January 2019
Estate CCTV
The CCTV system on the entry gates is now live. The GDPR policy relating to this is available on the ‘Download’ tab.
21st January 2019
Estate CCTV
Falcon Security recently installed Estate CCTV to monitor the entrance/exit gates to The Wood upon the instructions of BWRA. Relevant notices will be erected shortly and, once they are, the system recording will go live. This follows on from the approval for the installation at the last AGM and at subsequent BWRA meetings.
9th October 2018
National Grid through their contractor Cadent Gas Ltd and their subcontractor, Triio, are undertaking gas pipe works commencing today. Initially, there will be a survey of mains supply pipes and connections to properties. It may be that some connection upgrades are required, which will be done from small pits and sleeves within existing pipes so disturbance should be minimal. These works are important to ensure modern supply.
27 November 2017
The Committee is in the process of commissioning a road survey to assess the condition of the estate road, following many patch repairs and residents requests. It is likely it will need to be replaced. As part of this process, 16 small boreholes will be drilled (and made good thereafter) to fully assess the condition, quality, extent of damage and depth of foundation. The committee will then get three quotations for work required to ensure Best Value. More to follow...
20 November 2017
Replacement road signs have been ordered by the Resident Association and these will be being replaced shortly once received.
22 September 2017
Application Number: 17/00875/FUL
South Bucks District Council have received 204 objections to the proposed application on Plot 8 in the field to the North of Bakers Wood. These have come from Higher Denham, Brokengate Lane and, of course, Bakers Wood.
Local residents do need to be aware that the applicant may put in an appeal if he is refused and, if so, all the original objectors have to re-object as the first objections are not counted if there is an appeal against a decision.
There have been some particularly valid objections cited by residents of Lower Lane viewable (link here and here).
BWRA's objection letter is viewable here.
24 June 2017
Planning Application
Application Number: 17/00875/FUL
An application has been made on Plot 8 of the field to the North of Bakers Wood. The Field has Article 4 protection, but a dangerous precedent would be set if planning permission were gained as there are 129 separate plots. The application can be viewed online here: 17/00875/FUL
The Planning Officer is Tony Franklin tony.franklin@southbucks.gov.uk
The application is for 'Change of use of land to residential use for one Gypsy Traveller Family. The site to contain one static caravan, one touring caravan, parking for two vehicles with associated hard standing, fencing and water treatment plant'.
Any objection should be based on loss of amenity value, impact on the greenbelt (where development is not permitted), removal of existing hedgerows and environmental impact of development.
4 June 2017
17 JUNE 2017
There is a wedding planned on The Wood on Saturday 17th June which will cause some extra traffic, parking and noise until just after midnight. We wish the happy couple all the best!
4 June 2017
Facebook Page
The Residents Association Facebook page is now live. It allows residents to discuss topics and raise concerns. Committee members will check posts. Members must be residents of the estate. Click on the Facebook Logo at the bottom of this page to go straight to the Facebook Page for Bakers Wood Residents Association.
21 May 2017